Worksome global expansion: empowering our customers to build more successful external workforces

We're expanding to 7 new markets globally!

October 26, 2022

Worksome has been proud to offer compliant hiring and payments to freelancers in 150+ countries for our customers. And we’ve decided to expand our operations to 7 new countries, based on recent demand from our customers, who want to simplify their supply chains and make it easier to work with freelancers and contractors at a global scale. This will help us better empower our customers to build truly effective and global external workforces. 

We’re excited to announce that we’re expanding into seven new markets including Germany, France, Australia, Singapore, Canada, Ireland, and the United Arab Emirates. This expansion effort is fully client-driven meaning we have chosen these countries based on demand for more localized compliant hiring, including contracts and payments

We’re really excited about the expansion and how thrilled our customers are about the positive impact it will have for them company wide, on a global scale. Let’s take a look at why that’s so important and how it will benefit our customers.

Global compliance is our top priority

Compliance is a concern for every company, but it's even more critical for companies with a large external workforce. Things like hiring, payments, and worker classification all introduce compliance concerns, and the more countries you’re working with external workers in, the more careful you’ll need to be. 

Now, in addition to compliant hiring and payments in the newly announced countries, we’ll provide multilingual in-house support for new time zones, local compliance expertise, and market knowledge. We know compliance is forever changing and extremely confusing, so this expansion helps us further support our customers by giving them a single place to manage the compliance needs of their external workforce. It also provides a level of insight and guidance that helps our clients better understand the complexities associated with contractor compliance, and the confidence that they are getting it right, even as local laws change and evolve.

Global talent access is increasingly a priority

For companies to remain competitive in the war for talent, access to global external talent is increasingly important. And for the biggest companies, sharing their talent with teams internationally — and giving leadership a cohesive overview of talent sharing, talent management, and their external workforce at large — is the best way to be efficient and successful as an organization.

Morten Petersen, CEO at Worksome

Sharing talent with teams internationally isn’t the only thing Worksome helps with, we also make it easier for all of your teams to bring on new freelancers and contractors in different countries, while staying compliant.

Faster time-to-hire international talent

Compliance concerns are not the only thing creating a bottleneck for enterprises working with talent in multiple markets - hiring can also be delayed and slowed down simply due to the lack of globally-friendly processes.  Worksome’s recent global expansion will provide companies in new markets a faster way to access and onboard talent when they need it most. 

The combination of a faster time-to-hire and 100% compliance guarantee offers companies using Worksome a strong advantage when it comes to building and scaling their external workforce globally.      

More consistent processes and visibility, globally 

The lack of effective global processes make it virtually impossible for companies to have true visibility into the different aspects of their external workforce  — let alone oversight or actionable insight across the board. Worksome’s recent expansion solves this challenge by letting companies focus more on optimizing and simplifying their global talent pool.  

The ability to confidently operate in multiple markets with full visibility of their external workforce will help companies achieve efficiency at scale  - as opposed to hiring managers in different markets operating in silos, dependent on outdated processes that will never be viewed holistically or improved. 

Level up your external management with Worksome

Does your company struggle with global talent and compliance, or visibility into your external workforce? Learn more about how Worksome can help you remove the layers between your hiring managers and the external talent they need, for better processes that work for everyone — your internal and external workers alike.