CWS North America 2024: Views From The Summit

This year’s CWS Summit was not to be missed! Get the lowdown and highlights from Dallas.

October 17, 2024

Erika Novak, Head of Customer Success, Americas

This year’s CWS Summit North America was an incredible gathering of some of the brightest minds in contingent workforce management. I had the pleasure of attending alongside industry veterans Lou Holcomb and Lesley Sneed, and together we shared our insights and hot takes on the event. Here’s what stood out to us.

Challenging the Status Quo in Program Management

One of the key takeaways for me was how important it is to challenge the status quo in program management. Lou Holcomb, Global Head of Contingent Workforce at UKG, hit the nail on the head during one of the sessions. She spoke about how critical it is to stay curious and constantly question industry norms and best practices. As Lou put it, "The session was really about the importance of curiosity and questioning and improving industry norms and best practices." I completely agree—one must be brave and critically discern when to step outside antiquated swim lanes or practices.

Lou also brought up need for a holistic view of workforce management. "It's a unique perspective that you have to see an entire life cycle of part of a workforce," she said. This type of thinking can really help uncover enhancement opportunities that might be missed when teams operate in silos. Total workforce management is an approach that is gaining traction across strategic companies and one that must be discussed as you look toward program maturity.

The Power of Roundtable Discussions

The roundtable sessions were a major highlight of the summit. Lou and Lesley both found them incredibly valuable, although there were so many good topics it was hard to choose! "There were 60 topics to choose from, and the only downside is that there wasn't enough time to attend them all," Lou said, and she’s right.

One roundtable that particularly stood out was on Diversity and Inclusion (D&I). Lou and Lesley both attended, and it sparked some really impactful conversations. "We had really meaningful conversations with some of our peers, talking about the different steps that you can take to make a real, measurable difference i," Lou noted. D&I is such a crucial topic, and it was inspiring to hear practical strategies for making real progress.

Expanding Talent Pools with Creative Solutions

Lesley Sneed, Sr. Contingent Workforce Program Manager at UKG, shared her excitement about a session focused on expanding talent pools. The panel she attended highlighted best practices for light industrial and hospitality contingent workforce management, and it was packed with innovative ideas. Lesley mentioned how they’re using refugee programs and university partnerships to source talent. "They were talking about how they use refugee programs, and how they pool from different universities," Lesley shared. We found this discussion especially valuable for those managing cyclical projects—it really made us think about how we can get more creative with talent sourcing.

Tips for Navigating Large Conferences

As someone who’s attended my fair share of conferences, I know how overwhelming they can be. Lou and Lesley shared some practical advice for anyone navigating these events for the first time. Lesley’s advice? "Plan out the sessions you want to go to ahead of time. If there's more than one person on the team that's going, divide and conquer." She also recommended using the conference app to stay organized and adjust your schedule on the fly.

Looking Ahead: The Role of AI and Innovation

Another theme that really caught our attention was the growing role of AI in workforce management. Lesley mentioned how surprised she was at the level of AI implementation already taking place. "I was just surprised at how much AI is already being used in some of these programs... It was just crazy to hear some of the things that the panelists are using in their programs," she said.

Lou also touched on the potential for AI to revolutionize risk management. She even floated the idea of a "dynamic tenure policy" that evaluates engagements on various risk components. It’s clear that AI is going to play a big role in the future of our industry.

Final Thoughts

Reflecting on this year’s CWS Summit, I’m excited about the future of workforce management. The event was a hotbed of fresh ideas, meaningful networking, and best practices that will shape our strategies for years to come. If there’s one thing I took away from this summit, it’s that the future is bright—and full of opportunity for those willing to innovate.